- Python – Beginner
- Age Group: 7-15
- Level:Beginner
- Location: Firs School
- Whats Included
- 20+ Quiz
- 30+ Projects
- Completion Certificate
- Topics Covered
About The Course
Introduction to Python
Understanding What is Python
Python is a popular high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It’s a versatile language used across various domains like web development, data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. In “Basic Python for Kids” roadmap, this topic serves as an introductory step where learners get their first exposure to Python, its applications, and its benefits. It sets the foundation for the next lessons in Python programming.
Overview of Python history
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and first released in 1991. Python’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Over the years, Python’s simple syntax and high readability have made it popular for beginners to coding.
Installing Python and Setting Up IDE
This section provides an elementary introduction on how to install Python and how to set up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python. The IDE enables you to write and debug your Python programs more easily. It covers step by step process of Python installation, choosing and setting up an appropriate IDE which can be a great tool for Python coding beginners.
Getting familiar with the Python IDE
The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a critical part of programming in any language, Python included. Python IDE allows for a single place to write, run, and debug your code. It often comes equipped with various features to make programming more efficient. For beginners, it is essential to get comfortable with the Python IDE to streamline code writing and testing processes.
Basics of Python Programming Language
The basics of Python programming language cover fundamental concepts like variables, data types, operators, control flow statements, functions, and basic error handling. Python is known for its easy syntax and readability which makes it a great initial programming language for kids. Understanding these basics is critical and the first step for anyone wanting to learn how to code using Python.
Basic Python Syntax
Basic Python syntax refers to the set of rules that dictate how Python code must be written and interpreted. It includes how to declare variables, control structures like loops and conditionals, function definitions, and how to comment. The simplicity of Python syntax makes it a popular choice among beginners.
Introduction to Python’s Interactive Shell
Python’s interactive shell, often referred to as the Python REPL, provides a quick way to execute individual Python commands and see their results immediately. It is an excellent tool for testing out small pieces of code, learning Python’s syntax, and debugging. Here, children will learn how to launch the Python’s shell, write simple Python statements, and understand the output of the shell. This foundational understanding is key at an early stage to make coding in Python a more intuitive process.
Understanding Variables and Data Types
In Python, a variable can be seen as a container that holds value. The value can be a number, a string, a list, and so on. These different kinds of values are known as ‘data types’. There are several data types in Python like integer, float, string, list etc. Understanding variables and data types is crucial as they are fundamental to programming in Python.
Learning About Operators
In the “Learning About Operators” segment of the “Basic Python for Kids” roadmap, children learn about the various operators used in Python. These include arithmetic, logical, relational, assignment, and bitwise operators. Understanding these operators can help children code effectively. Children will learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers, as well as compare them, assign values, and more. This knowledge forms part of the foundational skills of programming in Python.
Control Flow Statements
Control flow statements are used in Python to control the order in which code is executed. They are essential parts of a programming language that help execute a particular code based on certain conditions. These include statements like ‘if’, ‘else’, ‘elif’, ‘for’, and ‘while’. Each statement has its specific purpose for controlling the flow of the program.
Break, Continue, and Pass Statements in Python
Break, Continue, and Pass are control flow statements in Python. “Break” is used to terminate the loop or statement where it is present. “Continue” skips the current iteration in a loop and moves to the next iteration. Lastly, the “Pass” statement is a null operation, often used as a placeholder.
Understanding Conditions and If Statements
This topic introduces the essential concept of “if” statements and conditions in Python. At this point, the learner is taught how to control the flow of a program using statements that can execute certain codes based on a specific condition. Understanding “if” statements and conditions forms a pivotal skill in coding and helps craft more complex programs.
Learning About Loops: While Loop and For Loop
In this section of the “Basic Python for Kids” course, learners are introduced to the concept of loops in programming, specifically discussing while loop and for loop. The module covers how loops help repeat actions in a program, with a detailed focus on creating and understanding ‘while’ and ‘for’ loops in Python. It also emphasizes understanding the right loop condition, loop control statements, and creating nested loops.
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